US Blanks 9-3Y Long Board


SKU: US93Y Category:


Shaper’s (Rennie Yater) Comments: The original 10’1’Y was returned to me and I cleaned it up and the best side was scanned. That program has been used to machine cut the 9’3″Y, 9’8″Y, and the 10’8″Y plugs. The natural rocker is about in the middle of the demand curve. But remember, the further you change the natural rocker curve the wider the wood stringer it needed to hold it from spring back.

Overall Bottom Length: 9′ 3 15/16″ (284.32 cm)
Tip-to-tip Deck Length: 9′ 3 3/8″ (282.89 cm)
Maximum Width: 25 1/8″ (63.82 cm)
Maximum Thickness: 3 1/2″ (8.89 cm)
History: Introduced July 2006

Stock Densities: Red (light), other densities available by special order

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